Friday, July 9, 2010


My interest in backpacking has been increasing exponentially this summer. With it comes the entire culture of backpacking. There are so many gadgets and websites claiming that for a safe journey you MUST have this particular item. I started thinking about the market for backpacking equipment and what exactly it means. Why is it that we NEED all of the latest and greatest in boots and backpacks and tents. Is it possible that backpackers, even with their one with nature approach, are just as consumer minded as the rest of us? What seems like an inexpensive journey, wandering around in the woods (which in an un itself is free), can actually get quite expensive. How is it that we are getting sucked into this idea that we need everything.

My second hike of the season was to Tiger Mountain. As I was hiking down I passed a man who was hiking the trail with no shoes on. I have noticed this trend in the running world, barefoot or near barefoot running. But now it seems to have transitioned to other outdoor activities such as hiking. Well this guy was sure saving money not buying, like myself, a pair of $300 hiking boots. Wow and he was still climbing! What seemed like an essential part of backpacking, boots, now seemed not as necessary. What else could I live with out on the trail?

Recently I was camping out in Westport, WA while on a surf trip with some friends. When we returned to the campsite on sunday we quickly realized my tent had been stolen. As soon as I got home I purchased the same tent online because frankly I did not want to waste the summer NOT backpacking because of a lack of tent. But do I even need a tent... or a$250 luxury one? Was that another thing that places like REI and EMS shoving down my throat that I needed.

Animals have a few basic needs; food, water, and shelter. I almost want to experiment with backpacking lighter by just bringing food water and a tarp or even a bivy.

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